Second meeting for the Fellsmere Park Master Plan

As you may remember, last September there was an initial meeting, hosted by the City of Malden, for the landscape architect, Shadley Associates, and others to receive community input about the Master Plan for our Olmsted-designed Fellsmere Park, which is currently in development. The second meeting, where the landscape architect is going to present their DRAFT plan, will be taking place next week!

You can provide comments live at the Zoom meeting, or follow up within 2 weeks to have your voices heard.


Date:          March 16

Time:         6 PM

Registration: Go here to register. You will receive a Zoom link in a reply email.

As a quick review, the development of a Master Plan does not mean that any construction, replanting, etc. will necessarily follow; but it will be easier for the City and others to apply for and allocate resources for specific projects related to the plan. The application for funds to develop the plan was sponsored by Friends of Fellsmere Heights. Also, note that a separate process is underway for the management of Fellsmere Pond.

We look forward to seeing you at this meeting!

Meeting Flyer

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  • Susan Close
    followed this page 2022-07-03 08:31:10 -0400
  • Lauren McGillicuddy
    published this page in News 2022-03-10 13:57:30 -0500

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